Trauma Recovery

Mastermind Class

helping you recover completely from trauma



Unsure of your life purpose? Confused about the path you ust take to your complete healing after experiencing a traumatic event?

Why Enrol?

This MasterMind program is right for you if:

Praise Reports

Recent clients

Mary Tara
Mary Tara
Tara has helped me so much tobecome a more confident woman. I love all her coaching programs.
Delphine Fahg
Delphine Fahg
I love Tara because she is so upfront and straight to the point when dealing with her coachees. Shes such a joy to work with
Eva Rosh
Eva Rosh
Baltimore, MD
Thank you Tara for your friendly support. I now understand what it means to be more than a survivor
Katrina Lew
Katrina Lew
Baltimore, MD
Wow, I loved the mastermind program. All my doubts and fears about my future and success are completely wiped out now

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